Attitude to Risk

The most vital part of any recommendations we make is understanding your tolerance of investment risk in line with your capacity to recover from – or take advantage of – volatility in the markets.

Your adviser will go through a psychometric risk questionnaire that will form the basis of a discussion on the varying levels of risk in line with the type of investment your adviser is recommending to you. It is likely that your adviser will vary their recommendations, so as to allow your agreed strategy of short and long-term goals to be achieved. Once we have agreed and understood your investment risk tolerance, your adviser will create a portfolio that follows an industry acknowledged asset allocation strategy.

Asset Allocation

When investing for the medium to long-term, the balance of asset classes can be the most influential factor in determining the return you will achieve as well as the level of risk you are taking. Our advisers not only look at the investments you are currently discussing, but will aim to align it with other funds and asset classes you hold in order to try and achieve an overall portfolio that reflects your investment profile.